Rabu, 13 Januari 2010


So,Let's start my aim to share u all about gay movie =)..
i will begin with Shelter Movie 2007..

Zach (Trevor Wright) is a 22-year-old aspiring artist who has put off his dreams of going to art school in order to work and take care of his sister Jeanne (Tina Holmes), his disabled father, and his five-year-old nephew Cody (Jackson Wurth). Working as a short-order cook to make ends meet, Zach escapes during his free time to paint, draw murals, surf, and hang out with his best friend Gabe (Ross Thomas), as well as with his on-again, off-again girlfriend Tori (Katie Walder).

When Gabe’s older brother Shaun (Brad Rowe) comes home to cure a case of writer’s block, Zach and Shaun develop a close friendship as Shaun encourages Zach to take control of his life and pursue his ambition of going to art school. Their friendship develops into a romance, while at the same time Shaun builds a strong bond with Cody.

Jeanne learns that Zach has been spending time with Shaun and warns Zach that Shaun is gay and to keep Cody away from him. Though his sister is reluctant to accept that Zach himself might be gay, both Gabe and Tori are supportive. Nevertheless, Zach’s relationship with Shaun is strained by his sense of obligation to support his family versus his relationship with Shaun and his desire to pursue his own dreams. Shaun submits Zach’s art school application, and Zach is eventually accepted on full scholarship. When Jeanne’s boyfriend gets a job requiring her to move and leave Cody with Zach, Zach is forced to decide between putting others first and neglecting his own dreams as he has always done, and fighting for what he truly wants, both for himself and Cody. He finally discovers that affirming his love for Shaun and going forward with his art career ends up providing the best solution to his dilemma.

Youtube Link:
Part 1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muaNWARX0K4
Part 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN0y-BYd8cE
Part 3 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMHUCbABrTs
Part 4 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OaAfRgme3w
Part 5 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whwoY1Yr5ig
Part 6 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XFW---HvbE
Part 7 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-RAPak3nD0
Part 8 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2tFZNF7_nk
Part 9 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmWpE5fTNMk
Last Part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aifKLqUb0g

Download Link:


Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010

Awake....cool film!!

ini tentang film normal ahahah yg saya temukan di youtube n keren banget aslii...
Plot nya kyk gni:
A wealthy man named Clayton Beresford Jr. (played by Christensen) has a faulty heart and needs a heart transplant. Against his mother's wishes, he will be operated by his surgeon friend Jack instead of a prestigious doctor. He is also dating his mother's secretary Sam, whom he marries on the eve of the surgery. However, when he finds that he is still awake during the operation, he finds out about a plot to kill him and get his money, and learns that Jack and Sam are in on it. Eventually one of the doctors operating on him that has been sent by law enforcement to spy on the other doctors realizes what is going on. His mother also catches on, and sacrifices herself to let Clayton have her compatible heart. The movie ends with hospital security arresting all the corrupt doctors except Jack, who has locked himself inside his office. His respite will be short-lived however, as a locksmith is seen in the last scene, undoing the lock in the door.

Indonya ini kisah tentang seorang cowok yg sakit jantung n mau dioperasi dan ternyata saat dioperasi,obat biusnya kurang!!!omigod..jadi dia masih bs ngerasain sakit+denger smua suara..tp dia gak bs gerak..ngeri pokoknya X(..terus pas dioperasi itu dia jg dengar dmn sang dokter yang ternyata jg punya hubungan sama istrinya itu berencana bunuh dia dan ambil semua uangnya(istrinya terlibat!!!!bahkan istrinya yang diperankan Jessicca Alba ini yang menyuntik mati jantung baru milik suaminya itu!!!intinya di film ini Jessica terlihat menyebalkan jd fansnya harap nda usa nonton ahahah)..akhrnya taulah si cowok itu tentang smua kenyataan tentang istri dan dokternya..setelah pasrah dan mau mati..ibunyalah yang menolong si cowok dengan mengorbankan nyawanya terus jantung si ibu ditransplantasikan buat anaknya itu..dan saat operasi kedua dokter yg 4 biji tadi digantikan dokter baru..(baek2)..dan ada 1 orang dokter yg tau rencana dokter2 yg awal td dan mrk dilaporkan kepolisi..akhrnya pokonya dokter2 yg jahat td ditangkap..istrinya jg ditangkap karena sidik jarinya ada pada jarum suntik itu dan diakhri dengan si cowok yg dioperasi td membuka matanya..uhhhh so sweet....bagus banget intinya film ini ahahha...

Nih Linknya kalo mau nonton(Ratednya R):
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeEEF0LxtKs
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWYK3IpI9c0
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgCcu-LV-rM
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvwzF-VTrSo
Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeQx_VAt6po
Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B2KRWj7YnA
Part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfneSJPIhWY
Part 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLEHiNTlyJo
Last Part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVPRl1J4qFM

Ini link download ada 8 part:

Tahun Baruan

Tahun baru berencana kumpul2 sama teman..tapi gak bole sama ortu...tadinya oke mau kabur pas ibu lagi mandi ahahha...terus yaw da de ke game center tempat teman2 banyak..terus uda memasukin jam 6an sore..perasaanku gak enak banget..pngn pulang tp jg pngn ngerayain brng temen2..akhrnya aku cari kunci motor..beli humberger,nasi uduk sama ayam 3 bungkus wad sekeluarga,terus beli kacang sama jagung,pulang ahhaha...ternyata aku bs jg lbh milih nasehat ortu..pulang sampai rumah ternyata ibu jg lg beli sesuatu,dan pas pulang beliau beli sate sama makanan sama tela-tela,dll..beuhhh banyak makanan..tp anehnya bs abis jg ahahah..dirmh yg isinya cm ayahku,ibuku,dan aku,tp kebersamaannya kerasa banget...meski gak semeriah 2 atau 1 tahun yg lalu tp ternyata brng keluarga yg cm 3 orang terasa indah..^^..sangat bersyukur sama Tuhan =)
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